Terms of Service

Hello and welcome to [businessgainers.com] hereinafter referred to as the “Website”. These terms apply to all users who wish to access and use our website (“Terms of Service” or “Agreement”). Please read the following terms very well. If you do not agree with these terms, you should not use this site.
1. Acceptance of Terms
Through the use of our website and or purchase of our products you agree to the Terms of Service stated herein and our Privacy Policy regardless of whether or not you have created an account with our site. Disagreeing with the above statements may result in noncompliance to the terms set down herein whereby you should not use or access our services.
2. Changes to Terms
The user agrees that businessgainers.com has the right to modify or replace these Terms of Service at any time at its discretion by posting the new versions on the Website. You acknowledge and agree that if you use the service after the modifications are made then you have read and agree to the new Terms of Service. However, you should review these terms from time to time to ascertain any changes that might have been made.
3. Use of the Website
In return, you confirm that you shall only use the website and any services provided therein for lawful, proper, and is such a manner that does not infringe on the right of any other person and shall not interfere or inhibit the use and enjoyment of this website by any third party. Such forbidden activities include but are not limited to ‘harassing other people,’ ‘causing distress or inconvenience to other people,’ sending ‘obscene or offensive messages,’ and or ‘interrupting the continuity of messages posted on the website.’
4. User Accounts
Any information that you provide to us becomes part of our records, as it is when you first sign up for an account at our website and the information is to be qualified in terms of the quality that is expected of you in the provision of the information as being accurate, complete, current and up to date at all times. The failure of the same results in a violation of the Terms meant for forfeiting your account on the Spot. You are fully responsible for all activities and actions taken under your password with our Service or with any third-party service that provides you with access to the Service. You also understand that you are not allowed to share your password with any other person.
5. Intellectual Property
Website content, features, and functions are and shall be deemed and remain the property of businessgainers.com and its licensors. All the content on the website is subject to the protection of the copyrights, trademarks and several other laws of the American Jurisdiction as well as the laws of other countries. Trademarks and trade dress are not be used in connection with any product or service without prior written authorization of businessgainers.com.
6. Links to Third-Party Sites
Use of this website may direct you to other sites and/or services not owned or controlled by businessgainers.com. We do not exercise control over, have any input on, to any extent, the terms and conditions of use, the privacy policy, or the material or information presented on any Third Party Site or Third Party Service. You also understand and agree that businessgainers.com shall not be liable in anyway for any content, goods, and services available on or through any external websites or services.
7. Termination
Either party may terminate these Terms and condition and your permission to access our website immediately without notice for any reason including but not limited to if you breach the Terms. These can also be revoked at any time, after which your rights to use the Service will be terminated.
8. Limitation of Liability

Subject to the applicable law, businessgainers.com, its affiliates, directors, employees, partners, or suppliers shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages ensuing from (i) your use of or inability to use the Service; (ii) any unauthorized access or use of our servers and/or personal data stored therein; (iii) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from our services.

9. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact us at:


Email: [email protected]